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历史 History

奥德曼门窗成立于1993年,由中国留德学生–麦先生将德国实木平开上悬门窗技术及设备引进中国, 并成立了第一家生产德国实木门窗的生产厂家。

Audman Windows&Doors was founded in 1993. Mr. Mai, a German student from China, introduced the German technology and equipment to China and established the first manufacturer of German solid wood windows and doors in China.

如今 Now

  • 奥德曼门窗已经发展成集生产和研发的企业,以满足客户的特殊需求。
  • In order to meet the specific needs of our customers. Audman Windows&Doors has developed into a business that integrates production, research and development.

  • 全自动化生产线‚ 先进的工艺流程技术,使得奥德曼具有批量生产能力,及稳定的产品质量。
  • With fully automated production lines and advanced process technology, Audman has the capacity of mass production and stable product quality.

产品 Products

  • 多样优秀的门窗产品,强大的生产能力,卓越的产品质量,使得奥德曼门窗名扬天下。
  • 奥德曼永远以质量第一,信誉第一为原则,每道工序均按照德国标准生产,产品远销欧美。
  • Multiple and perfect products, strong production capacity, excellent product quality, Audman  have made the world famous.
  • Audman always takes quality first, reputation first as the principle, each process is produced in accordance with German standards, and the products are exported to Europe and America.





Always dedicated to her customers with the best windows products

If you need the best windows products, please come to Audman.


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